Hi Joe,
I don't have much hands on with paketo or kaniko but from my quick look on it kaniko is closest approach to docker since it can use the Dockerfile to build up the image.
By the other side, paketo goes for a different approach with Buildpacks which makes a bit hard for me to give a proper advice at this moment.
From a nice article from cloud.google (https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/developers-practitioners/comparing-containerization-methods-buildpacks-jib-and-dockerfile):
- The easiest, polyglot method: Buildpacks
- The escape hatch for when those methods don't fit: Dockerfile
For my developer to business point of view I would consider the following:
- Where I am hosting my server?
- What is the fastest way to create this CI/CD and deploy new versions
- What is the fastest build/deploy method that I can deliver (time in CI/CD at scale can cost easily ~$100/day if you have a team working at your side)
- Do my team have enough maturity to learn a new tool if required?
- Which one in the end is cheapest to implement and use?
In the other hand, for a developer in a willing to continue studying and improving himself:
- How can I create three approaches for the same project and deploy it using docker/paketo/kaniko in order to be able to compare the personal experience of how each of them solves the same issue and why I want to choose X over Y
Hope this helps,