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Another ExpressJS API tutorial for 2021, part 08 — Auth module
7 min readApr 1, 2020
We reached the part number 8 of how to build an API using ExpressJS and Typescript. Today is time to configure our Authentication and Permission
Hi there, if it is your first time arriving here we are creating a series on how to build an API using ExpressJS and Typescript. The first article can be found here.

Just as a quick overview, here is the series of articles that we are writing:
- Create your hello world ExpressJS API (Yes… we always need to start with a hello world)
- Configure our hello world application to use Typescript (TS is cool, believe me ;) )
- Create our first CRUD API endpoints for an user (Everyone wants a registered user in their applications, no?)
- Create and configure your controllers (We will talk about it after)
- Create and configure your services (What the h. is that?)
- Middleware’s! (Yes, we need and use it everyday)
- End to end testings!
- Configuring a secure way to manage user permissions via API — We are here now ;)
- Putting all together into a Docker container
- Configuring a simple MongoDB to connect to our application